Amazing Spider-Man Viral Video Begins

Let the viral marketing for The Amazing Spider-Man begin. The movie is opening in several months, so  Sony is doing what they can to get moviegoers interested in this movie now.

Having Denis Leary as Captain George Stacy as he is being interviewed by the Daily Bugle, it is a good way to start.

In the video, a telephone number is provided for you to call if you spot the Spider-Man. The telephone number is 1-877-651-8503. After calling the number, you will hear a message about how bad and evil Spider-Man is.

The video also shows some Spider-Man graffiti. Looks like Spider-Man in the reboot will have no problem tagging it up.

The Amazing Spider-Man opens July 3, 2012.

See Spider-Man in Action. Now with Web Shooter!

More pictures from Marc Webb’s new Spider-Man movie have surfaced. MTV posted pictures up of Andrew Garfield in the Spider-Man suit running. They also zoom in on a couple of key spots. If you look closely at Spider-Man’s wrist, you can clearly see the web shooters.

When you blow up the head, you can see that the eyes are not the big Spider-Man’s eyes from the McFarlane era.

Now that we got the whole body shot, I was wondering what is up with the sneakers he is wearing. Is it part of the stunt suit or is it the final design?

More on Set Spider-Man Pictures

Seems like every day we are getting a little something about Marc Webb’s new Spider-man movie. All these pictures and set shots are just getting us more and more hype about the film.

Today, thanks to On Location Vacations, we have new pictures from the upcoming Spider-Man movie. This picture was taken from a fan of the OLV site.

Looks like Spider-man is running from the NYPD. I hope he realized that he could jump and start swing away. Maybe this Spider-man does not have unlimited organic web shooters like in the Sam Raimi Spider-man movies. If you look closely at the picture Sony release last week, it looks like Andrew Garfield is wearing web shooters under the Spider-man costume.

The Daily Blam took these pictures from the set.

Spider-Man Unveiled: First Photo of Andrew Garfield in Spidey Suit

It’s has been a while since Sony announced the casting of Andrew Garfield as the new Peter Parker.

Last week there were photos online of Garfield and Emma Stone shooting the film. Today, Sony release the first picture of Garfield in the Spider-man costume.

The suit looks very simliar to the one Toby McGuire wore in his movies. It looks a little bit dark the the first ones. Perhaps it is because it looks like he got beat up.

It is amazing that Spider-man can always walk around without his mask on. Luck for us. It makes for a good shot.

Spider-man is Slated to open July 3, 2012, in 3-D.